From our experience, we know that there are many metrics that measure more simply and quickly, without unnecessary energy loss. We support managers and employees in focusing on the most important business areas for the organization. We have our own handbook with market benchmarks and KPIs. We have created dozens of process and strategy monitoring systems. We have successfully carried out dozens of audits and rebuilt KPIs for many of our clients.
The Chilli application is an application supporting effective project, initiative and team management.
The available modules enable you to centralize data on business initiatives and operational projects, as well as employee performance, both in terms of the implementation of individual tasks and assigned KPIs, in one place.
The Artichoke application is a tool for conducting snapshot analysis – MULTI OBSERVATION STUDY – a study in which the consultant records what activities the employee performs at specified intervals.
All activities are parameterized and described as:
a) added value,
b) obvious waste,
c) necessary waste
The Avocado application is a tool for parameterizing and measuring activities performed by an employee during the working day.
We recommend implementing the application in your organization in order to obtain reliable data. The collected data will be used for analysis.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for parameterizing and measuring activities performed by an employee during the working day.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for auditing and monitoring the standards of the customer service process in terms of quantity and quality, intended for every industry.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for conducting snapshot analysis - MULTI OBSERVATION STUDY - a study in which the consultant records what activities the employee performs at specified intervals.
Compass Technology Lab
An application supporting effective project, initiative and team management.