Selected functions
Percentage of standards met
Priorities and potential for improvement
Trendline of areas and questions
Extensive qualitative comments
Customer satisfaction and experience survey

It allows you to assess the level of compliance of the services provided and determine a trendline.
It indicates at what stage of customer service there are repeatable positive results of standard implementation and which areas require improvement and development.
umożliwia podjęcie działań naprawczych eliminujących konkretne zachowania, zmianę standardu obsługi oraz poprawienie doświadczeń Klienta
It allows you to measure real natural behaviours and events instead of declared intentions.
The Avocado application is a tool for parameterizing and measuring activities performed by an employee during the working day.
The Chili Application is an application that supports effective management, both through KPI monitoring, a module supporting project management and a simple ticket system.
The Artichoke application is a tool for conducting snapshot analysis – MULTI OBSERVATION STUDY – a study in which the consultant records what activities the employee performs at specified intervals.
The KIVI application manages auditor surveys, access for observers on the client’s side, qualitative receipt of surveys, and complaints.
Thanks to the application auditors are trained, knowledge tests and quantitative reports are generated.