As part of the training program, your sales management team will learn how to analyse opportunities, how to conduct a sales pipeline review to identify potential profit from current opportunities, identify missed opportunities and opportunities for individual salespeople.
SALES MASTERS PROGRAM participants will receive support in implementing new sales solutions and tools.
For the founder of Compass&Partners the primary goal was not simply to create a company providing consulting services, but to provide value that makes a business that is important and precious to our client even better.
As Sam Walton (founder of Wal-Mart) said, “Great expectations are the key to everything.” This is a motto that is important to Dawid, who requires 100% commitment from himself, his team and the people he works with to work and the effects they leave in the companies for which Compass&Partners works.
Change is David’s natural habitat. He believes that boldness, questioning the current state and the courage to correct one’s mistakes are factors that guarantee development.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for parameterizing and measuring activities performed by an employee during the working day.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for auditing and monitoring the standards of the customer service process in terms of quantity and quality, intended for every industry.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for conducting snapshot analysis - MULTI OBSERVATION STUDY - a study in which the consultant records what activities the employee performs at specified intervals.
Compass Technology Lab
An application supporting effective project, initiative and team management.