raising participants’ awareness in the context of building the culture of a High Performing organization, where people speak the language of facts and not opinions, and productizing the results of this program in a measurable way (so that the company achieves profits or savings).
practical implementation of solutions optimizing processes, as well as increasing the added value in processes.
CAMPUS PRO consists of three integral parts that combine knowledge transfer, mentoring and practical implementation. During CAMPUS PRO training meetings, participants will take part in the following blocks:
combined by the ‘inspiratorium’ formula - this is the most important element of knowledge transfer in our program.
The process begins with identifying areas that can be improved in the organization (including operational processes, resource efficiency or service quality).
During the meeting, the mentor shares practical experience, helping to understand processes, identify areas for optimization and develop strategies for improving operations.
After completing all cycles of the CAMPUS PRO program, there will be a certification exam and defence of the project conducted under the mentoring supervision of Compass&Partners.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for parameterizing and measuring activities performed by an employee during the working day.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for auditing and monitoring the standards of the customer service process in terms of quantity and quality, intended for every industry.
Compass Technology Lab
A tool for conducting snapshot analysis - MULTI OBSERVATION STUDY - a study in which the consultant records what activities the employee performs at specified intervals.
Compass Technology Lab
An application supporting effective project, initiative and team management.